It shouldn't take lessons by the original Pick Up Artist stud, Mystery, to know a good pick up line from a bad one. In fact, I would like to believe that it's fairly basic.
This weekend, I experienced the worst pick up line of my life. A guy, comparable in looks to Kosmo, winner of season 1 of VH1's The Pick Up Artist (pictured above looking suave) approached me at Winston's, a bar that I happen to frequent. (New Yorker's: picture something along the lines of Royal Oak.) I was just hanging out with the girls, having a good time, when out of nowhere, Mr. D-Bag says to me, "So seeing as we're at Wintson's at all.... wanna f*ck?"
I'm sorry? Since when has this become an acceptable pick up line? I was offended and caught completely off guard. Has he mistaken Winston's for a whorehouse?
After giving this some thought, I decided it was imperative that I write a Man Ban on bad pick up lines. Guys, a pick up line like that will never work for you, unless you're okay with ending up with a few STD's at the end of a night. When in doubt, you can resort to some of the basic pillars of small talk: "Hello," "Do you come here often," or even "I can't feel my face." Pretty much anything would be superior.
Again, we must look to the PUA for some pointers here. (I'm telling you guys, he knows whats up.) Your best bet is to go for open ended questions or a question that sparks their interest. However, please avoid the example that was a little TOO popularized by Mystery: "Did you see the girls fighting outside?" It has become trite, and we girls see right through that one. (Others to avoid: "What movie is this from - 'No one puts baby in the corner?'" or "We just finished a caper") And please - avoid alluding to anything remotely sexual or we will see your underlying motives.
And if you really need some ideas, let me point you in this direction.
If any of you would like to share any bad pick up lines you have been subjected to, please do so!
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