Friday, April 10, 2009

Man Ban Lesson #2: "Fancy" Jeans

Welcome to the second installment of my Man Ban series. Allow me to introduce another common offense: The "Fancy" Jean. See above.

In the past few years I've seen more and more offenders of the "fancy" jean parading around town. How did this happen? Who is responsible for this atrocious fashion crime? (Antik Denim... consider this an e-wagging of my finger at you!)

Now, I know some of you will look to the astute and worldly Mystery, king of "peacocking," to defend this horrendous use of denim. Yes, Mystery believes that the more bling and pizazz one adds to his outfit, the more attention he will receive from the ladies. As always, Mystery is right. HOWEVER, I have found it very common for some poor, misguided fellows to misinterpret the teachings of Mystery. Bling should NOT be on your ass. Or your thigh. Or trailing down your denim pant leg. (As anyone who watched the Pickup Artist should know, the best kind of peacocking accessory is one that the target can interact with - a segway into Kino Escalation - such as a hat, a feather boa, or sunglasses.)

Rather, these jeans come across looking tacky and fobby. Just because they are Versace or cost a few Benjamins doesn't make you fashionable. It makes you look like a tool.

And yes, even an ornately embellished back pocket is a no-no.

Guys, just remember - when in doubt, stick with something simple as far as jeans go. Leave the peacockign to deserving accessories instead.

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