No, not that "Girl Talk." Although that looks fun - I'm willing to accept that as a gift from my blog fans.

YES. This
Girl Talk, AKA Greg Gillis, AKA my husband (future tense). Not only is this bodacious babe a brilliant mashup artist, he also studied to be a biomedical engineer. Not too shabby, my future husband. Well as many of you keen folks out there know, Girl Talk is playing Coachella. (Friday night, 9-9:50 pm at the Sahara tent. I'll see you there.)

So it's been a few months since we've last been in the same room, and this time I'm going to do something about it. Friends, I am going to be that girl in the yellow shorts (above, left). I can look past the fact that he's come to resemble Jesus more than I would otherwise prefer. These are minor details that can be changed. This Friday, he will find out that he is indeed my future mister.

Don't judge me.
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