In case anyone out there was unaware, I love monkeys. Their goofy little faces and tenacious little fingers make my heart melt, and their social aptitude and capacity for logic never fail to impress me! So when I read this article, I couldn't help but giggle a little. Monkeys. They really aren't so different from us humans.
It turns out that a group of Chimpanzees studied in West Africa have been caught trading meat for sex. And it works! Apparently those lady chimps just can't resist it.
I don't about you, but anyone who offers me free food is a winner in my book.
If you link to a science post it has to be ScienceBlogs, Roxy. Here you go: http://scienceblogs.com/notrocketscience/2009/04/male_chimps_trade_meat_for_sex.php