Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Various Thoughts - Including Dinner

In an effort to escape from my work day, as well, and since mind-altering substances are not allowed at work (well, they do have alcohol at my job, but most of these people are the last human beings I would want to have a drink with) I have also decided to blog-away my day. I don't know if it's because I haven't had a day off in nearly two weeks or the fact that I had to tell one of my coworkers that, when referring to "quarters" on her time sheet, it meant fifteen minutes and not "quarters" as in the monetary unit of twenty-five, but some daily escapism is necessary here. "I'm really bad at math," was her response. "Yes, but this job requires a college degree."

A boy took me to this Italian restaurant in Hollywood a few months ago. The boy and I are no longer seeing each other but the restaurant is still there so I've been longing to try it again. Suffice to say, the food and atmosphere were delicious and Roxy and I have been talking about what we are going to order for the past few days. We will report back once everything has been digested. Singing waiters, anyone?

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