In honor of Mother's day, here are examples of how different cultures celebrated motherhood last week:
Jewish Mother to Jewish Daughter: Don't you think it's weird that Josie Jew and Janie Jew are dating non-Jews? Do Jews not date Jews anymore? Do you and Jenny Jew want to go to this Jewish fundraiser?
Irish Mother to Irish Daughter: Honey, are you happy? Tell me about the young men in your life. What? No boys?! You've had boyfriends through high school and college .....Is there something you want to tell me?
Korean Mother to Korean Daughter: Esther, Daniel, Grace, and Joyce got married. The best thing to do is to get married early! As early as possible! Their parents were so happy at their wedding. Also, Christine, Hannah, David, and Paul are engaged....Oh, and for a girl who eats so little, how come you never lose any weight?
Happy Mother's Day!
You were the 100th post!!!! What a milestone for my blog.