Well, I wouldn't know how. But a bunch of guys in their 20's think they have what it takes to snag this (older) woman on TV Land's The Cougar. Yes, people, they have gone that far. So I was watching it last night after hanging out with Eyera for a little while (love you boo ;-) ) and was blown away by its quality. Or lack thereof, I should say. Now don't get me wrong - most of my waking hours are spent either watching reality TV or thinking about reality TV (Simon Van Kampen's black shiny jacket/red shiny pants combo on the RHONY finale anyone?)

Instead of a rose, or a large stopwatch, or a medallion to indicate that a contestant gets to remain on the show, The Cougar calls each stud up to her and demands him to kiss her. If he gets to stay, he lands a kiss on the lips. If he's out, he is rerouted to her cheek. Ouch.
As one of the challenges, the dudes were instructed to write a love song for The Cougar in under 30 minutes and then perform it for her in front of all the others. That was so painful to watch, I had to switch over to America's original reality TV show, America's Funniest Home Videos.
Finally, the winner of something or another was safe for some undetermined amount of time and (notice this is where my attention starts failing, until... wait for it...) they get to go into the Cougar Cave with her for the night and have some precious pillow talk! Cougar Cave! AKA.. her bedroom.
So if any of you have seen more than 10 minutes of the show, please feel free to fill me in on any other gems I may have left out.
In the meantime, I e-wag my finger at TV Land.
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