Thursday, July 16, 2009

Don't Let This Happen to YOU!

First things first. You miss me. I know. Everywhere I go, everytime I step out of the house, people stop me and ask me what happened to my blog. Well, friends, it's a funny thing. I quit my job, and suddenly I find myself with... a life, you might say. I no longer find myself spending hours perusing the internet, staring at pictures of food for hours on end, and feeling the need to pass on useless yet mildly amusing information to my thousands of followers. (Hi Mom!)

So after giving it some thought, I've decided to take this blog in a new direction. Since my hours are now being spent differently, my blogs posts will obviously need to reflect this. As you may very well be aware, while Roxy may no longer be in ennui, I'm sure the rest of the world still is.

I would like to kick off my new blogitude (Urban Dictionary that!) with what some might call an incriminating photo. The subjects of the photo shall remain unidentified, although lets just say it's my NJR with a JB. Wink.

I am posting this photo as a warning to everyone out there. Sometimes, some people make poor choices. Some people even decide to make spreadsheets documenting every poor and good choice of the year, but that is a different story. Anyway, these poor choices are sometimes public, and sometimes your friends and Jeff and Nifty will never forget the pure hilarity you have bestowed upon them at your own expense.



  1. NJR could be interpreted in a few different ways...please specify the N.

  2. Naked? Non? Neolithic? It is open for interpretation!

  3. holy pee-pee-stick.... it's all clear to me now
