Friday, July 15, 2011

Happy Friday!

I'm taking Bolt Bus to New York for the weekend, and I'm stoked. I left my computer at home, packed a few dresses and got on the bus. It's great, sitting by the window, amply spacing out, and watching the world pass by while listening to some good music (currently: Washed Out. Girls, I'm gonna DB it for you when I get back.) The awesome thing about looking out the window on the bus is that you literally don't have to do anything - you don't have to watch the road or follow any kind of plot line (does this mean I'm lazy? ...yes.); you just sit and enjoy the constantly changing scenery. You can let your mind take you where it wants to go.

My favorite thing to do while riding the bus between New York and Boston is looking for Bigfoot in the dense forests we pass. I haven't spotted him yet, and maybe he is supposed to live in the northwest, but if I ever do see him, I'll be sure to take a blurry picture on my iPhone and post it on this blog as proof.

Anyway, typing this out on my phone sucks and my toes feel like they are going to freeze off, so I'm going to cut this short. I hope everyone had a good weekend! :)

Sent from my iPhone

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