So last night in a bout of boredom, I wrote myself a "w4m" ad in my journal, just for kicks. After taking a mental journey 12 hours into my future, I decided to post it on CL to see who would respond to such a ludicrous ad requiring so much of the reader, and telling so very little about the poster. I also thought it went along nicely with the distant yet underlying theme of this blog, my extremely passive search for a temporary boyfriend for the summer.
So below, is the ad. And below that are samplings of some of the 30+ responses I've received in the last 9 hours.
Wanted: Temporary Boyfriend - 24 (west hollywood)
Duties: Looking hot, being awesome, acting suave, dining finely, buying drinks, making love (in da club?) lifting heavy objects, partaking in various other activities involving me.
Requirements: Must be between the ages of 24 and 28, must make some dollars of your own, must have car, must have teeth. Sense of humor is mandatory. College degree preferred.
Hours: 10am - 3am, 5 hour shifts, 2-3 times per week, not including overtime. Some weekends required. Position for only now through August 23rd, after which your services will no longer be requested, as I am moving across the country.
No references required. Head shots suggested.
Compensation: Being blessed with awesomeness for 5 hours a day, 2-3 days per week, for a month, learning sweet new moves and snazzy jokes, having me as arm candy, free dental consultation.
Serious inquiries only, please.
Requirements: Must be between the ages of 24 and 28, must make some dollars of your own, must have car, must have teeth. Sense of humor is mandatory. College degree preferred.
Hours: 10am - 3am, 5 hour shifts, 2-3 times per week, not including overtime. Some weekends required. Position for only now through August 23rd, after which your services will no longer be requested, as I am moving across the country.
No references required. Head shots suggested.
Compensation: Being blessed with awesomeness for 5 hours a day, 2-3 days per week, for a month, learning sweet new moves and snazzy jokes, having me as arm candy, free dental consultation.
Serious inquiries only, please.
Some of my favorite responses are as follows:
- This is why unemployment is so high!!!!
- Inquiring about you job post.
I qualified in many ways. I have a vehicle, all my teeth, attractive, college educated, 5'11, 160lbs, white, formal personal trainer, fun, flexible hrs.! I hope I get the job in this economy, will work over time if nec.! Do you offer 401K? - Your compensation SUCKS! You sound unoriginal and boring. YAWN!
- You got to be kidding me??? I have the feeling you really want a full time BF and yet your posting a PT positing in hopes to land a hot guy. YOUR sneaky! Just a side note, US HOT guys dates hot girls. We don't make any exception. We all have dental plans and still have access to the clubs.If you have something else to offer, please share it with me? Pictures, monterary compensation...i.e you women like to say for 120 roses you get to have me...:)thxSigh.. So I supposed my hunt for Mr. Right Now continues, although I did receive this appealing picture from one gentleman... he's the one on the right ;) Cute huh??

I would have dated you if I read this, if it makes you feel any better.