Minnie, pictured below in her Corey Hart phase, has always been admired by the public for her beauty and her graceful interactions with her fans.

Minnie's oral health is in Jeopardy.
She now has to undergo some pretty intense dental work (scaling and extractions) due to what the vet called "bad genes." I'm sorry? Minnie is still the pinnacle of perfection, she just had some bad LUCK. Genes, still perfect. So anyway, she seems to have severe gingivitis and a condition called FORL (feline oral resorptive lesions), meaning the roots of all her itty bitty lil teeth are being resorbed, meaning I need to kick it up a few notches and start brushing her teeth and contributing to her success in oral health.
So while Minnie may lose a few teeth over over this heartbreaking ordeal, she will hopefully feel much better overall and will be back soon to pleasing all her fans world wide. Please contact me personally for inquiries as to where to send her flowers and gifts.