Dear My Job,
I am leaving you on Friday. After a 6 month run, I have grown bored with you. I was never interested in pursuing a long term commitment with you, after all. Your monotony and inability to stimulate me leave much to be desired, and I'm pretty sure you gave me CTS. How could somebody like me possibly stay with someone like you? You expect me to drive 33 miles every day for you, and what do you give me in return? A weak paycheck and an occasional donut in the morning. You want the same thing from me every day, and out of boredom I've been forced to sneak around behind your back, goofing off with the Internet when I'm supposed to be focusing on you.
I did learn some things while I was with you. I learned the most effective way to stave off boredom. I learned that maintaining a blog is both fun and easy. I learned the best and worst dining establishments in the LAX area. Most importantly, I learned that the majority of the people in this world suffer from laziness and incompetence, which actually made me feel pretty good about myself.
But that's just not enough for me.
So goodbye, My Job. I know this will be harder for you than it is for me, seeing as I am off to Hawaii to try my best to forget my time with you, while you are stuck in a rut here in Westchester.
I'll wish you good luck just to be polite, but don't expect me to ever come back to you.
No longer yours,